Tuffahta Water Supply Project

Study (A-II)

Status: Executed

Country: Lebanon

Location within country: South Lebanon

Staff: 18

  • Drilling 8 water wells with a depth of around 550m each and a 17 ½ inches diameter, equipping them with boosters and pumps.
  • Construction and equipping of a central pumping station -Tiffahta Wells-Saida, and construction of a 1000m3 capacity concrete water tower to supply villages between Zahrani River (north) and Abou El Aswad (south).
  • Construction a concrete ground water regional reservoir capacity: 5000m3& 4 concrete water towers.
  • Laying main supplying pipeline from 20 km up to 500 km and a distribution pipeline from 16 km up to 300 km
  • Equipping the station with electronic control instruments and sterilization equipment. This project covered the urgent water needs for 60 villages and small towns.